Department of Applied Computing and IT

Head of Department 

Dr. Samali V. Mlay


Message from the head of Department

The Department of Applied Computing & Information Technology is an academic unit under the Faculty of Computing and Informatics of Makerere University Business School. The department evolved from the original Department of Business Computing as the mother department of the Computing Faculty. Applied Computing and IT, as the name espouses exists to support the application of Information and Communication Technologies in Business Operations. The department undertakes academic research, teaching, and consultancy in the areas of Information Technology, Information Systems, Applied Computing, Business Information Systems, ICT for Development, and ICT in relation to Sustainable Development Goals, among other spheres of study.

Our mandate is to positively contribute to the strategic intent of Makerere University Business School, by being the leading academic unit in ICT-related research, enable the future of our students, support the growth of an ICT-enabled Business ecosystem and engender the creation and application of cutting-edge technologies that have become the anchor of business operations in the region and the globe. As an academic unit in Makerere University Business School, we promote quality teaching and lecturing, relevant academic research, academic leadership and publication among staff, integrity and the highest level of ethics in the learning and assessment process.

Programmes in the Department

Bachelor of Business Computing

Bachelor of Office and Information Management

Our Mission

“To enable the future of clients through creation and provision of knowledge.”

Our Staff members

Prof. Langmia Kehbuma

Visiting Professor

Prof. Moya Musa

Prof. Musa B. Moya


Kyeyune Robert, PhD

Assoc. Professor

Dr. Abdul Ssentumbwe Male


Dr. Sumaya Majorine Kagoya

Senior Lecturer

Mr. Abdallah Nyero Ibrahim


Ms. Abdul Ddamba


Ms. Catherine Nyesiga


Ms. Elizabeth Asianzu Ezati


Ms. Fatinah Nakabonge


Mr. Ismael Kato


Ms. Josephine Namataba


Mr. Moses Serugo


Ms. Philper Irene Tusubira


Dr Robinah Nabafu, PhD


Ms. Stella Eva Nakalema


Mr. Ali Balunywa

Assistant Lecturer

Ms. Aisha Watsemba Namone

Teaching Assistant

Ms. Afulah Namatovu

Teaching Assistant

Ms. Aisha Mwesigye

Teaching Assistant

Mr. Benedict Ogot

Teaching Assistant

Ms. Caroline Atuhaire

Teaching Assistant

Mr. Godfrey Mujungu

Teaching Assistant

Ms. Hajjarah Ali Namuwaya

Teaching Assistant

Mr. Were Hassan

Teaching Assistant

Mr. Hillary Mirembe Nagawa

Teaching Assistant

Ms. Aisha Mwesigye

Teaching Assistant

Ms. Hajjarah Ali Namuwaya

Teaching Assistant

Mr. Kennedy Turyasingura

Teaching Assistant

Mr. Nasser Wangubo

Teaching Assistant

Mr. Peter Kikanja

Teaching Assistant

Ms. Ronnie Arinda

Teaching Assistant

Mr. Ssendi Samuel

Teaching Assistant

Ms. Stella Kyalimpa

Teaching Assistant

Mr. Swaleh Ssessanga

Teaching Assistant

Ms. Winnie Kisaakye

Teaching Assistant

Ms. Florence Nakyanja

Senior Administrator